ITEC charity activities - Thiện Duyên home

To facilitate sharing feeling to the unlucky children, on the 17/06/2012 International Training & Education Centern ITEC and students took charity trip at “Mái ấm Thiện Duyên” 73 Nguyễn Thị Nê Street, Phú Hòa, Phú Hòa Đông, Củ Chi province.

Thiện Duyên is the Ms. Trần Thị Cẩm Giang's home (they call her cheeks Ma Muoi). Ma Muoi was 73 years old, adopted the children anbandoned by their parent. There are nearly 120 children, 70 children of these exposed to Agent Orange, mostly cerebral palsy, lying a bed.




Mr. Trần Công Danh (Vice Director of ITEC), on behalf of the ITEC donated to Thien Duyen Home number of donation 7 millions VNĐ, 50 gifts and many product such as: rice, sugar, milk, instant noodles, clothes, books…



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